
A history of film activism
Though characterised by autocracy and authoritarianism, political dissent found a place in the cinema of the Sukarno and Suharto eras
Maximum impact
The production and strategic planning behind films looking to effect social change in Indonesia is slowly reaching a new level of sophistication
Screen politics
The production of visual content has exploded in recent years. Increasingly this medium is being used in innovative ways to tell stories and encourage action on political and social issues
Normalising the New Normal
The government’s New Normal campaign has been lucrative business for buzzers
An elderly woman stands in a grass field in a rural dwelling, looking to the side.
The 2009 mining law and the community benefit in Sulawesi
A woman measures the height of a toddler under a tree, surrounded by other women and children. (Vita Febriany)
The New Order actively promoted citizenship of a particular kind for women
Speakers address Wahdah Islamiyah's members at the third 'muktamar' (congress) in Jakarta, July 2016. (Imam S/Kiblat.Net)
Organisations like Wahdah Islamiyah envision an ‘Islamic’ citizenship for Indonesia
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Online corruption talk in Banten can be vitriolic

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