Oct 06, 2024 Last Updated 7:07 AM, Oct 2, 2024

Politics Social & Political Unrest

Dancing into the elections

The replacement of dangdut with TikTok dances in the 2024 elections heralds a massive demographic shift in Indonesian political campaigning and beyond

Labouring in vain?

The Labour Party (Partai Buruh) was revived in the wake of opposition to the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, but failure in the 2024 election shows they failed to connect with the workers they aim to represent

The Jokowi-Luhut alliance

A business alliance forged in 2008 between Joko Widodo and Luhut Pandjaitan formed the basis for a major axis in his presidency

An Indian student in Indonesia

Times change. Neighbours can now learn a lot from Indonesian democracy.

A history of film activism

Though characterised by autocracy and authoritarianism, political dissent found a place in the cinema of the Sukarno and Suharto eras

Internationalisation as democratisation?

Film festivals, streaming and creative freedom

Filming female agency in environmental activism

Recent documentaries have highlighted the agency of women in tackling the local and global environmental challenges of our time 

Maximum impact

The production and strategic planning behind films looking to effect social change in Indonesia is slowly reaching a new level of sophistication

Internasionalisasi sebagai demokratisasi?

Festival film, streaming, dan kebebasan berkreasi

Screen politics

The production of visual content has exploded in recent years. Increasingly this medium is being used in innovative ways to tell stories and encourage action on political and social issues

Merekam agen perempuan dalam aktivisme lingkungan

Sejumlah film dokumenter terbaru telah menyoroti peran perempuan dalam menghadapi tantangan lingkungan lokal dan global pada masa kini.

From guided democracy to guided science?

Incapable elites are guiding Indonesia’s scientists off course

Produksi pengetahuan di era otoritarianisme neoliberal

Pengaruh pemerintah terhadap akademisi Indonesia berakibat terabaikannya kebutuhan publik karena pengutamaan kepentingan elit ekonomi dan politik

Obstacles to realising the right to health

Why has the government failed to do more to adopt health policies consistent with the right to health?

Social ecological democracy

Because experience cannot be delegated

Utopians for parliament

An interview with leaders of the Indonesian Green Party

Languages of propaganda

Cyber troops both for and against the government leverage Pancasila as a weapon in their pseudo-moral bickering

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