
Two carts rest on a mining site path. The photo is taken at an angle where the path appears to be going down from left to right.
Mining law changes in decentralising Indonesia raises new challenges and opportunities for local communities
A mining base, with a pipe running across the foreground and some wooden structures.
Irrespective of location or commodity, peasants now compete with multinational mining companies on the mineral-rich tracts of Indonesia
Review: The ideology of the family state
David Reeve reviews David Bourchier’s important contribution to understandings of political thinking in Indonesia
A write-off
School textbooks in Indonesia fail to teach environmental sustainability
Safe water at a premium
The UN’s claim that 87 per cent of Indonesians have access to safe drinking water seems exaggerated
Monumen Bambu Runcing (Bamboo Spear Monument), Surabaya Credit: Lidya Mewengkang
The slaughter of Indonesians by young nationalists has been hidden by romantic narratives of the independence struggle
Jalan Indonesia
Pursuing justice through local initiatives
The Millennium Development Goals addressed the basic development needs of Indonesia, but tackling poverty now requires a more complex strategy
Indonesia is on track to achieve universal primary education, but questions remain about the quality of education
missbach 3
Challenges for the protection of asylum seekers at sea in Indonesia
Picture of Prabowo on a car - Vembri Waluyas
Street vendors have organised successfully at the local level, but effective national organisation has proved more elusive