
NGOs are having to come to terms with the demands of the governance agenda
Brutal lessons
A culture of violence in schools makes life tough for kids
Personality cults
Foreign news coverage needs to focus on Indonesia’s people, not just its leaders
Global fashion, remixed
Indie designers rework commercial iconography – and the business of clothing production
Seeking Soeparno
A man who left his home to work in a plantation half-way around the world
Corruption Inc
Controlling local corruption is one thing; tackling the big guys in Jakarta is quite another
Roots of democracy
Political parties have stronger social roots in Indonesia than elsewhere in the region
The peace dividend
With no internal wars to fight, Yudhoyono can afford to reform the military
Basket case to showcase
How Indonesia’s democratic transition transformed Aceh
Ten years of democratisation
Our new edition shows how far Indonesia has come, and how much remains to be done
Deals and denial
Who is really responsible for Indonesia's drug epidemic?
Disabled megalopolitan
Jakarta’s disabled are striving for a better deal.