
The Indie takeover
Independent record labels give the majors a run for their money
Game of chance
Chinese Indonesians play asylum roulette in the United States
A new political animal?
Chinese Indonesians search for a political role in the new Indonesia
Learning from Malaysia's mistakes
Chinese Indonesians must re-enter politics in order to fully exercise their citizenship
Never Indonesian enough
State discrimination against the Chinese is a form of cultural violence
Shot until dead
No end in sight for the death penalty in Indonesia
The one that got away?
Muchdi’s murder trial starts falling apart
Demonstrating diversity
Photo-essay: Yogya’s community protests against the Pornography Bill
Hot debates
A law on pornography still divides the community
No positive news
People living with HIV face corruption and incompetence in the health system
Staying clean
Drug rehabilitation in Indonesia
Giving up partisan politics?
Indonesia's biggest Muslim organizations are having second thoughts about partisan politics
Promoting pluralism
Pesantren progressives defend constitutional religious freedoms
Chocolate Strawberry
An Indonesian film breaks new ground on the subject of teenage sexuality
Indonesia'€™s Q!Film Festival
Young Indonesians are using an alternative film festival to promote awareness of sexual diversity
The name game
Or, the years of living with no one to blame
Writing for God
Piety and consumption in popular Islam
A new artistic order?
The arts scene has changed radically since 1998, but some of the old uncertainties remain
Blaming the messenger
Indonesia’s tangled public information laws are keeping the press in check
Skin deep
Young Indonesians struggle to resist the power of the skin whitening industry