International Relations

More than a fanclub
Islamic State's growing Indonesian support base poses a serious long-term threat
missbach 3
Challenges for the protection of asylum seekers at sea in Indonesia
Sharukhan's Indonesian fans outside his concert at Jakarta International Convention Centre (8/12/2012)
This Indian film’s popularity reveals a popular critique of the US
Traveling for a cure
Rebuilding trust in doctors will be an important part of Aceh’s post-conflict recovery
Staying stuck
Asylum seekers from the Middle East and troubled parts of Asia can languish for years in difficult circumstances in Indonesia
High stakes
ASRIANA KEBON speaks to Indonesian underage minors who were returned to Indonesia following age determination hearings in Darwin
Who owns the carbon?
Indonesia’s carbon stores spark international attention
On death row
Dozens of Acehnese drug offenders face the death penalty in Malaysia
The triumph of jamu
European interest in Indonesian traditional healing has had its ups and downs, but in Java jamu reigns supreme, as it has for a long, long time
American dreams
Undocumented Indonesian migrant labourers - known locally as kuli dollar - work long hours in difficult conditions in search of prosperity in Philadelphia
Token gestures
Despite recent government negotiations, Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia remain disempowered
Learning to lead
Against the odds, Indonesian domestic workers have achieved real change in Hong Kong
Children of the enemy
A child abducted during the Indonesian occupation returns to her former home
A problematic division
Managing the border between West and East Timor has been an ongoing challenge
Obama's Indonesia question
Will the US president continue unrestricted aid to Indonesia’s military?