International Relations

We miss you wali nanggroe
Hasan di Tiro returns to an Aceh in transition
Beyond the Museum
Asmat bisj-poles gain new meaning in a Papuan refugee protest in Melbourne
Arnold Ap and Theys Eluay
Political assassinations targeted West Papua’s culture and political identity
Tangguh goes onstream
BP’s massive LNG project is due to begin operations in late 2008, despite social and environmental costs
Torture in Papua
Human rights groups report on abuses
Personality cults
Foreign news coverage needs to focus on Indonesia’s people, not just its leaders
Seeking Soeparno
A man who left his home to work in a plantation half-way around the world
Policy drift
Ten years after Suharto, the economy is not recovering fast enough
Roots of democracy
Political parties have stronger social roots in Indonesia than elsewhere in the region
Basket case to showcase
How Indonesia’s democratic transition transformed Aceh
Classroom culture shock
An Australian teacher trainer learns a lesson (or two) in East Java
Modelling syariah in Aceh
A conference in Banda Aceh reveals divergent opinions about what model of Islamic law Aceh should adopt
Living like kings
Working-class Singaporeans travel to Indonesia’s Riau Islands in search of a fantasy built around sex
Rich countries should pay big bucks to reduce emissions in the developing world
Remembering Ong
About cooking, studying Java, and other serious pleasures