International Relations

In the past decade, 140 Indonesian fishermen drowned in Australian waters, a further 400 were imprisoned. JILL ELLIOTT reports that policies dealing with the issue are costly, ineffective and have tragic consequences. She suggests better alternatives.
While top officials hail the Australia-Indonesia security agreement, ARTHUR KING is appalled to find that, on the ground in East Timor, youths who resist still face torture.
On 2 September 1996, the Philippines government signed an agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front that promised to end decades of violence and give Moro Muslims substantial autonomy. Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Wiryono Sastrohandojo, helped broker the deal.
ROB GOODFELLOW and PETER SMITH take a whimsical look at an Australian backlash against Asia, and against the wider world.
STANLEY fears slashing Radio Australia's Indonesian service will harm Australian diplomacy.
Allegations of influence peddling by Indonesia's Lippo financial group may be unproven, but opened a bigger trail that led elsewhere. JAY LOSHER reports from America.
ANDREAS HARSONO visits Burma and is intrigued by the respect its military show for the Indonesian model.
PETER CRONAU and MATTHEW BROWN find that Cold War methods live on in Indonesian consulates around Australia.
Indonesian fishermen whose traditional fishing grounds are in Australian waters may have a Mabo-style claim, says CAMPBELL WATSON.
Waiting for justice
Victims of human rights abuses in Aceh have not yet seen the legal processes they’ve been promised.
Aceh homebound?
In the wake of peace, Acehnese living in Malaysia are thinking about return. But it can be tough leaving a new life to start afresh back home
The Australian government needs to control Australian miners in Indonesia
Australia must be a good global citizen towards refugees who transit Indonesia
Defence planners wake up and find Asia is (still) a threat
What are Europeans doing about Papua?
What gifts did Aussie prime ministers bestow on President Suharto?
Strange things began to happen when Indonesian refugees came to Australia during World War II
Indonesian military intelligence kept Australia fully informed (and complicit) in its 1975 East Timor invasion plans
After the tragedy of 11 September, the world needs dialogue
What do Indonesian students think about Osama bin Laden?