
Homophobia on the rise
Recent attacks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender meetings reveal the growing influence of Islamist groups and highlight unequal protection of citizenship rights
Religious Bandung
Bandung’s government opts for a religious program that matches the city’s character
God and democracy
A Christian church is asserting its democratic rights by suing the mayor of Depok
Driving under the New Order
The tumultuous events of 1965 thwarted Liong Tjie Tjong’s writing aspirations
Celebrating community
A temple procession brings Chinese culture to life in Jakarta’s streets
Fauzi Abdullah (1949-2009)
Indonesian labour activists are mourning the passing of a great man
The addiction cycle
Photo-essay: Drug users in Jakarta are trapped in a deadly equation
Fighting over the land and forest
Century-old conflicts persist in the vast tracts of Indonesia that are designated as state forest
Development for the rich
Gated communities are built with little concern for their social and environmental impacts
Heritage and paradox
Wayang Golek is proclaimed a masterpiece, but what is its future?
Equal access?
Indonesia’s premier university needs to take action to improve facilities for disabled students
Ponari and the sorcerer's stone
A little boy’s miracle-working throws light on the workings of the Indonesian state and the hunger for salvation amongst ordinary people
A second revolution?
Dangdut music continues to be a vital part of Indonesian popular culture
Children of the enemy
A child abducted during the Indonesian occupation returns to her former home
Water woes
Private sector participation in Jakarta’s water supply has left many citizens high and dry
Down by the riverside - Kali Ciliwung
Photo-essay: some of Jakarta’s poorest inhabitants find both suffering and happiness on the banks of its main river
Struggling to be young
Brotherhood among the poor urban youth of Jakarta
Ahmadiyah dispute intensifies
Violence at the National Monument in Jakarta almost caused a conflict between Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah in Lamongan
Beyond terrorism and martyrdom
People in West Java hold diverse memories of the Darul Islam rebellion and its leader Kartosuwiryo