
MELODY KEMP discovers some quiet achievers in environmental education -- who accept no foreign aid.
PETER HANCOCK finds that women in a rural Nike factory are considerably worse off than those who work in other factories.
Remember the election last May? MAS SUJOKO was there and listened in to the people's vote, recorded on walls all over Yogyakarta.
A Spanish enquirer gets the catechism in an exclusive Jakarta suburb. MARGARET COFFEY was there too.
'I write the truth and if I have to die for it, well so be it' wrote Udin shortly before he died. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL investigates.
To Jakarta, he is an enigma. To the Madurese, he holds out hope for a better society. GERRY VAN KLINKEN goes to the grass-roots.
The riot that engulfed Jakarta on 27 July 1996 started after army-backed gangsters invaded Megawati's PDI headquarters. JESSE RANDALL traces the strange relationship between government and criminality.
TOM PLUMMER speaks with Moelyono, an artist engaged with farmers threatened by a large dam.
It's lonely in the Forestry Minister's office, says GERRY VAN KLINKEN.
HERTJE SURIPATTY tells how developers used soldiers and thugs to try to force her out.
M16s for punks
Punk rockers turn to Yogya craftsmen for ‘guitar weapons’.
Impoverished villagers kill huge numbers of migrating birds resting on Java's foreshores each year. JOHN McCARTHY reports
Transgendered in Malang
The waria community in this East Javanese city are out in the open, but misunderstanding and prejudice are still widespread.
An interview with the leader of a new, radical and militant sect
Poor kampung women double their income through their own micro-credit scheme
Rifka Annisa is educating the community about the nature of domestic violence 
What gifts did Aussie prime ministers bestow on President Suharto?
What do Indonesian students think about Osama bin Laden?