
What the guide books don't tell you about Surabaya
Farmers in East Java are still working land they took three years ago
The street traders who feed and transport Jakarta are also its most unwelcome citizens
Surviving thirty years in Central Jakarta
Herb Feith, who began it all 50 years ago, inspires a new volunteer
How to escape the mainstream, big money, newspaper thought police
A sampling of performances in Java
East Timorese students in Yogyakarta suffer intimidation
Review: Abidin Kusno examines trends in architectural design and urban planning in Jakarta
Unable to pay for formal lessons, many poor Indonesians have mastered English through radio, TV and film. Like Rizza of Surabaya.
Indonesians are seeking a public voice through radio
A new local press must struggle to survive when the novelty of autonomy wanes
The Military Fleeces and Polices Port Workers
Street children face police and security guards
Manufacturing workers in Tangerang make a special effort to look good