
Bangun! Banjir!
Seorang antropolog Belanda tinggal di permukiman kumuh di bantaran kali Jakarta untuk memahami bagaimana warga di sana hidup berdampingan dengan banjir
Wake up! Flood!
A Dutch anthropologist lived in a Jakarta riverside slum to learn how residents there cope with constant flooding
A temple to populist nationalism
Sukarno’s gravesite is very popular but there is much irony in the way his memory is celebrated
Reclaiming Indonesian citizenship
A ‘waria’ version of the traditional flag ceremony celebrates both nationhood and diversity
The worn-down, wooden-plank exterior of a house, bare but for a mural of a bull on a red background - PDI-P's symbol. (Laila Kholid Alfirdaus)
Locals react coolly to ex-transmigrants who return to Java after fleeing violence elsewhere
Fesbuk Banten News logo.
Online corruption talk in Banten can be vitriolic
A woman tips a coin tin over another woman's open palm.
Despite the impressive activism of Pekalongan’s labour union, its political clout remains limited
Hope in the darkness
A Hazara fleeing persecution has dedicated her life in Indonesia to helping her fellow refugees in Bogor
Review: Recounting the revolution
Two recently republished memoirs illustrate the divergence of experiences during the Indonesian Revolution
Hip hop with attitude
Rappers express their music in a Javanese way in Yogyakarta
Monumen Bambu Runcing (Bamboo Spear Monument), Surabaya Credit: Lidya Mewengkang
The slaughter of Indonesians by young nationalists has been hidden by romantic narratives of the independence struggle
Review: Kartini’s complete legacy
Bringing Kartini’s entire anthology of writings together for the first time reveals the depths of her pioneering influence