
Petruk 1920 confronts Petruk 2020
An essay introducing Ki Purbo Asmoro’s original wayang tale Tamba Tĕka, Lara Lunga (Remedy Shows Up, Malady Gives Up)
Reporting on Java’s 1918 influenza pandemic
Pieter Bastiaan van Steenis’ report on the 1918 influenza pandemic in Java is a rare and detailed account by a colonial health official who experienced its horrors first-hand
Beware the disease of influenza
An anonymous Javanese text written in response to the flu epidemic of 1918-19, offers its audiences eerily familiar lessons for surviving a pandemic
Interpreting pandemics through history, text and performance
Featuring translations and analysis of rare texts, including the revival of an early 20th century Javanese wayang play, this edition illustrates the multi-faceted ways in which pandemics affect us and how a conversation between the science of epidemiology and public health, drama and translation are interwoven in interesting and sometimes surprising ways.
Asbestos danger
What can be done to prevent suffering in Indonesia?
Gendered flames
There have been improvements in understandings about the importance of women’s roles in community-based environmental initiatives, but in the realm of fire governance there is still a long way to go
Essay: A movement to remember
This essay is the first in a new series featuring the writing of and edited by young people.
Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo greets students at Universitas Indonesia / Antara Foto
Inside Indonesia explores defiant youth culture
Feminists and LGBT
Can they work together? Religious objections make it hard
Vigilante partnerships
Reclaiming Jakarta with the Forum Betawi Rempug
Between an Islamic saint and Che Guevara? 
Jakarta’s urban poor see Habib Rizieq Shihab as a homegrown symbol of resistance and rebelliousness in the midst of their own marginisation 
Rebranding for revival
In an election year, a reunion of the 212 Movement reflects a changing political landscape for urban Islam, but is there also a changing of the guard?
Budaya sebagai teknologi
Mahasiswa diajarkan cara untuk memahami dampak keseharian dari pengetahuan dan teknologi di tengah merebaknya infrastruktur di Indonesia
Culture as technology
Students are taught to understand the everyday impact of knowledge and technology in the midst of Indonesia’s infrastructure boom
Bertukar makna, bertaut energi
Sebuah refleksi dari penelitian bersama sembilan penyintas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online (KBGO)