Social Media

Strategies of seduction on social media
In 2024 elections, digital crusades blurred the lines between official campaigns, authentic support and buzzer tactics
Memeing the precarity of Indonesian startup workers
Beyond the hype, workers in this booming industry are seeking not only comic relief, but real improvements in their conditions. An Instagram account is helping with both.
Cyber mercenaries vs the KPK
Cyber troops spread disinformation to gain public support for the KPK Law revision
Why so serious?
Netizens’ responses to the banning of a popular slang word raise questions about the moral character of public communication
Pelakor dan Instagram
Bahasa yang kita gunakan di media sosial ternyata sangat bias jender dalam memosisikan kaum perempuan dan melepaskan tanggung jawab kaum lelaki dalam narasi perselingkuhan
Budaya populer queer
Ruang-ruang baru ekspresi queer melalui idola Korea dan komik bromance Jepang
Menonton malu dan penghukuman
Penyebaran foto hukuman Syariah merupakan strategi utama kontrol sosial di Aceh
Pelakor and Instagram
Language around extramarital affairs on social media punishes women and lets men off the hook
Social media’s ability to help cut through stigma and misinformation on suicide is being underutilised