Military & Police

Review: Lieutenant General Djaja Suparman tells his story
Editor’s note: For Indonesia-watchers the activities of the military and its leaders remain largely opaque and perhaps even menacing. In recent years the steady stream of memoirs and biographies by and about military leaders has, in some cases, assuaged some of this mystery and in others, added to the intrigue. As the public and judicial gaze has increasingly turned to the actions of military leaders with connections to the New Order, the memoir has been engaged by some as a form of testimony in an effort to ‘clear their name’. Whatever the motivation, with each new addition to this genre, we are offered new insights into the fractious and often treacherous ‘interior’ world of the Indonesian Armed Forces. Suparman holds the line but reveals some new insights into the transition of power after the fall of the New Order
Big prison, little prison
Stories from Papua’s political prisoners show life at the edge of freedom
Anwar Congo (right) being made up  Final Cut For Real
Joshua Oppenheimer’s groundbreaking new film raises disturbing questions about why perpetrators of the 1965-66 mass killings still enjoy impunity for their actions
'Truth takes a while, justice even longer'
In 2012 significant new information exposed critical truths about the 1965 massacres in Indonesia, but there remain major obstacles to recovery and reconciliation
Indonesia’s secret police weapon
Perfectly coiffed hair and rose-pink cheeks underpin Polri’s latest policing tactic
Snatching victory
When Indonesia’ s National Police took on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) over the Bank Century case, the KPK won
More educated, more ruthless
From the Archive David Bourchier (ii53: Jan-Mar 1998) looks at the new generation of military leaders, after a big shakeup between July and October 1997
Trapped in the legacy of the past
Conflict between Timorese youth gangs and martial arts groups hark back to the Indonesian occupation
Children of the enemy
A child abducted during the Indonesian occupation returns to her former home
Obama's Indonesia question
Will the US president continue unrestricted aid to Indonesia’s military?
The one that got away?
Muchdi’s murder trial starts falling apart
Arnold Ap and Theys Eluay
Political assassinations targeted West Papua’s culture and political identity
Papua road map
Conflict resolution should move from a security to a justice approach
A sibling rivalry
Since their institutional separation, the relationship between the police and the military has been troubled
Sex and tea in Semarang
The peculiar relationship between sex and jasmine tea in downtown Semarang keeps both police and prostitutes in a game of cat and mouse.
There is concern within the Indonesian Armed Forces (Abri) about human rights abuses committed by its members. Part of the evidence is a manual on human rights recently issued by Maj-Gen Dunidja D., Military Area Commander in Irian Jaya. All soldiers in Irian Jaya are required to carry it as part of their personal equipment.
Australian volunteer LEON JONES was living in Aceh in the lead-up to the violence that eventualy left up to 2000 dead.
The world has long known about the East Timorese death toll. Now retired Lt-Col SUBIYANTO speaks out about Indonesian casualties.
Abri officers are becoming more Islamic, but many do not want their Islam to become a political tool for the administration, according to MARCUS MIETZNER.
Senior ABRI intentions may be obscure now, says BOB LOWRY, but no one should assume they will remain that way.