Megawati Presidency

Old elites in Central Kalimantan discover new and dangerous strategies
The poor must come first
After the tragedy of 11 September, the world needs dialogue
A rare visit with the Free Aceh Movement shows them confident and well organised
Fighting has stopped in North Maluku, but mistrust lingers
What do Indonesian students think about Osama bin Laden?
What the guide books don't tell you about Surabaya
Popular with sailors and miners, but not necessarily with their women
A flood of 'democratisation' dollars has corrupted the NGO movement
The democracy movement must now challenge international capital
Farmers in East Java are still working land they took three years ago
Indonesian maids in Singapore want to be heard
Workers, often women, take risks to earn an honest living
The street traders who feed and transport Jakarta are also its most unwelcome citizens
Surviving thirty years in Central Jakarta
Four years later, how has the economic crisis affected the poor?
Rich countries share responsibility for Indonesia's impossible debt burden
A guide to resources for peace-makers
Give peace a chance