Megawati Presidency

Western security agendas have shifted donor priorities, forcing NGOs to rethink their own agendas
In search of honest, well-designed aid for people displaced by the Poso conflict
The IMF has enriched corrupt officials while burdening ordinary Indonesians with debt
Indonesia’s troubles today result from the pursuit of repressive forms of stability
Reform of the security sector is fundamental for achieving a democratic Indonesia
Democracy and autonomy are sold out to Western economic and security interests
Rotten politicians
Ethnicity and the nation
The Healing of Bali, a documentary produced and directed by John Darling, (video, 50 minutes), Taman Sari Productions, 2003.
Indonesian police reveal their soft spot
Preserving the literary past
Strange companions in Jakarta's Jalan Jaksa
After the New Order, pomp and ceremony is returning to dusty palaces all over Indonesia
Forestry business packaged in ecological concerns in Flores
Taking a legal approach to fighting discrimination
Ethnicity now plays a role in local politics in South Sumatra but money still rules
Ien Ang returns to Indonesia and her Chinese roots
Ethnic relations in West Kalimantan are marked with blood
Music is still a potent source of cultural resistance in West Papua
Ethnic nationalism under siege in West Papua