Megawati Presidency

Arnold Ap and Theys Eluay
Political assassinations targeted West Papua’s culture and political identity
A new artistic order?
The arts scene has changed radically since 1998, but some of the old uncertainties remain
NGOs are having to come to terms with the demands of the governance agenda
Personality cults
Foreign news coverage needs to focus on Indonesia’s people, not just its leaders
Trouble in Paradise
A land conflict on the tourist island of Gili Trawangan dates back decades
Policy drift
Ten years after Suharto, the economy is not recovering fast enough
The peace dividend
With no internal wars to fight, Yudhoyono can afford to reform the military
Basket case to showcase
How Indonesia’s democratic transition transformed Aceh
Ten years of democratisation
Our new edition shows how far Indonesia has come, and how much remains to be done
Making democracy work, Islamically
Indonesia’s Muslim educators support democracy, but grapple with how to make that commitment consistent with Islamic law.
Remembering Ong
About cooking, studying Java, and other serious pleasures
Not as remote as you might think...
Papua is not the Stone Age
Christianity, curly hair, and human dignity
What are Europeans doing about Papua?
How Islamic will the new movements make Indonesia?
For now, reformasi is dead. But Mega didn't kill it