Labour Rights

Kekerasan seksual dan perempuan pekerja
Rancangan Undang-undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) akan membantu melindungi perempuan di tempat kerja
Sexual violence and women workers
Indonesia’s proposed sexual violence elimination law will help protect women in the workplace
Timotius and Freeport
Elite politics and Freeport Indonesia’s non-compliance continue to deny Timotius Kambu his owed wages
A woman tips a coin tin over another woman's open palm.
Despite the impressive activism of Pekalongan’s labour union, its political clout remains limited
Garment workers working at a factory
A new book examines Indonesian labour struggles through the lens of international political economy theory 
The Go-Jek effect
Has this phenomenally successful app-based transport service improved the lives of the motorcycle workers it employs?
United in disappointment
Labour rights have suffered under the Jokowi administration
Double-storey modern house funded by a migrant in Hong Kong - Carol Chan
Village morality complicates our assumptions about what it means to ‘succeed’ as a migrant worker
Indonesian migrant workers hone their activist sensibilities at a protest in Hong Kong - istolethetv at
Former migrant workers are finding new empowerment in the bureaucratic jungle of legal aid
A new tactical toolkit
The labour movement successfully adopted new tactics in their campaign for social security reform
Back on the streets
A national strike shows that workers are once again a significant force  
Passports optional
Indonesian migrant workers without visas - or sometimes even passports - rely on the help of middlemen to get past immigration checkpoints into East Malaysia
Organising for migrant worker rights
Non-governmental organisations continue to fill the gap in the absence of viable alternatives
Leaving Indonesia
As this edition shows, the choices faced by those who leave Indonesia for work are anything but simple
Learning to lead
Against the odds, Indonesian domestic workers have achieved real change in Hong Kong
Fauzi Abdullah (1949-2009)
Indonesian labour activists are mourning the passing of a great man
Politics of symbolism
Unionists express their disgust at local government’s failure to look after the interests of workers

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