Labour Rights

An unlikely unionist
Inspired by television and Muchtar Pakpahan, a traditional fisherman decides it’s time to act.
Officially, 2.4 million Indonesian children work in factories or on the streets, instead of being at school. Unofficially, the number could be 10 million. SHARON BESSELL talks with some working children, and asks what is being done.
Making idealism work is very hard. NORI ANDRIYANI, with extraordinary honesty, tells why.
Should child labour be abolished or regulated? WENDY MILLER spoke with activist ARIST MERDEKA SIRAIT during the Child Labour Conference at Melbourne's Monash University.
PETER HANCOCK finds that women in a rural Nike factory are considerably worse off than those who work in other factories.
AHMAD SOFIAN explores the lives of young people on hundreds of isolated fishing platforms in the Malacca Straits
The elections show that Indonesian workers are not yet a major political presence
Workers with soul take their message to the kampung
It’s been a long struggle trying to get unions to listen to women
Fauzi Abdullah reflects on more than a quarter of a century of organising
Greater freedom to organise also means more opportunity for division
Why is organised labour missing from the democracy movement?
Indonesia’s labour movement needs to consolidate the gains of 1998
Workers unite to win severance pay for retrenched Securicor Indonesia employees.

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