Indonesians Abroad

Kebebasan pada komunitas gay di Paris
Beberapa lelaki gay Indonesia pindah ke luar negeri untuk menjalani kehidupan gay yang lebih sederhana dan terbuka
Pengawasan seksual di luar negeri
Jarak memberikan kebebasan seksual bagi perempuan Indonesia, namun ketakutan akan penghakiman terus membayangi
Sexual surveillance overseas
Distance can bring more sexual freedom for Indonesian women, but fear of judgment is still isolating
Breaking free in gay Paris
Some gay Indonesians move overseas to lead a more simple and openly gay life
Review: Dancing the Feminine
A look into Indonesian migrant women, identity, and cultural performances. 
A room of one’s own
Mobile libraries and writers clubs reveal a rich reading and writing culture among Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong
Indonesian migrant workers hone their activist sensibilities at a protest in Hong Kong - istolethetv at
Former migrant workers are finding new empowerment in the bureaucratic jungle of legal aid
Chinese whispers: The art of reflection
Essays and Fiction is a new series of writing in Inside Indonesia that aims to give voice to more personal stories about Indonesia. We welcome submissions in the form of reflective pieces, fiction, artwork, or essays about travel and fieldwork experiences.
Wasted talent
Returned migrant workers have much to offer, but have trouble achieving recognition for the skills they’ve developed abroad
Image 1 - Affandi  Self portrait with pipe
Cosmopolitanism is a magnificent ideal for a world torn by divisions and it exists in Indonesia in some surprising places. But how deep does and can it go? Gerry van Klinken
Nilan and Artini
See the world and be exploited
Diaspora power
Abused maids are not the only Indonesians overseas as success stories from the Indonesia Diaspora Congress show
Fantasising romance overseas
Transgender Indonesian migrants are looking for romance and security in Europe, but nothing is easy 
Traveling for a cure
Rebuilding trust in doctors will be an important part of Aceh’s post-conflict recovery

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