Economic Policy

Islam-inspired renewable energy
A collaboration between a teacher and farmers in Central Java is unlocking the potential of an indigenous biofuel source
Transport policy in gridlock
Attractive public transport and well-considered traffic policies are what Jakarta needs
Two carts rest on a mining site path. The photo is taken at an angle where the path appears to be going down from left to right.
Mining law changes in decentralising Indonesia raises new challenges and opportunities for local communities
An elderly woman stands in a grass field in a rural dwelling, looking to the side.
The 2009 mining law and the community benefit in Sulawesi
A car drives along a concrete road among tall crop fields.
Mining dominates East Luwu GDP but development of agriculture underpins equitable development
A mining base, with a pipe running across the foreground and some wooden structures.
Irrespective of location or commodity, peasants now compete with multinational mining companies on the mineral-rich tracts of Indonesia
An old woman walks down the street.
Indonesia’s welfare schemes are failing to support older citizens
Revolutionising retail
In Jakarta, 7-Eleven found a loophole that allowed it to break into small-format retailing, transforming itself and contributing to a revolution in Indonesian retail in the process
Review: Power politics
Jeffrey Winters’ Oligarchy is an epic work of comparative political insight but has little that is new to add to the study of Indonesia’s politics
The energy challenge
Indonesia is rich in renewable energy but government policies foster reliance on fossil fuels
Reaching for the sky?
Indonesia has set ambitious emissions targets, but meeting them will require hard work
Snatching victory
When Indonesia’ s National Police took on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) over the Bank Century case, the KPK won
Papua road map
Conflict resolution should move from a security to a justice approach
Policy drift
Ten years after Suharto, the economy is not recovering fast enough

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