Communal Violence

Two Acehnese young women hold up colourful protest signs demanding justice for past human rights violations.
Aceh’s Commission for Truth and Reconciliation has an important, though delicate, mission ahead
The worn-down, wooden-plank exterior of a house, bare but for a mural of a bull on a red background - PDI-P's symbol. (Laila Kholid Alfirdaus)
Locals react coolly to ex-transmigrants who return to Java after fleeing violence elsewhere
Monumen Bambu Runcing (Bamboo Spear Monument), Surabaya Credit: Lidya Mewengkang
The slaughter of Indonesians by young nationalists has been hidden by romantic narratives of the independence struggle
A mosque in Sidikalang, a town in North Sumatra just across the border from Aceh Singkil - Daniel Andrew Birchok
Aceh Singkil’s recent church burning may reflect common ways Indonesians have linked religion and region
Enduring impunity
The reality for women survivors of conflict-related violence in Indonesia does not match the rhetoric
Stories that bridge time
Young researchers discover that the victims of history hold a secret every Indonesian should know
Remembering May 1998
Almost sixteen years on, Jakarta's first ethnic Chinese governor joins in efforts to keep the memory of the events of May 1998 from fading
Indonesia’s new anarchists
Insurrectionary anarchists, with international connections, nihilist values and a penchant for arson, are moving to fill the vacuum on the left
'Truth takes a while, justice even longer'
In 2012 significant new information exposed critical truths about the 1965 massacres in Indonesia, but there remain major obstacles to recovery and reconciliation
Living without a state
People in rural Papua are more interested in basic services than grand political struggles
Time bomb in Bali
A culture that suppresses conflict disguises decades-long tensions in Balinese communities
Public works and ethnic conflict
Tarakan’s riots illustrate the risks of collusive public contracting and the continued weakness of local security responses
Trapped in the legacy of the past
Conflict between Timorese youth gangs and martial arts groups hark back to the Indonesian occupation
Ahmadiyah dispute intensifies
Violence at the National Monument in Jakarta almost caused a conflict between Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah in Lamongan
Keeping Bali strong?
Hindu-Muslim tensions have mounted, but not to boiling point

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