
Two Acehnese young women hold up colourful protest signs demanding justice for past human rights violations.
Aceh’s Commission for Truth and Reconciliation has an important, though delicate, mission ahead
A sign next to a dirt road reads in Indonesian, ‘Welcome to the territory of the Kiyu customary forest under Constitutional Court Decree No. 35/PUU-X/2012. THIS IS OUR CUSTOMARY FOREST, NOT STATE FOREST.’
Compromises must be made in the quest for indigeneity among the Dayak Meratus
Film review: Bitter Honey
Robert Lemelson’s latest documentary film takes his audience inside the lives of the women, men and children living in polygamous families in Bali
Freeing shovelnosed ray, Bobby Anderson
In West Papua province’s Raja Ampat islands, a local fisheries conservation initiative is setting a global standard
Time bomb in Bali
A culture that suppresses conflict disguises decades-long tensions in Balinese communities
Land and social justice
Communities struggle for access while reforms run aground
Not just a piece of paper
The state’s requirements for marriage registration disadvantage poor rural women
Papua road map
Conflict resolution should move from a security to a justice approach
Beyond the Museum
Asmat bisj-poles gain new meaning in a Papuan refugee protest in Melbourne
The end of fasting
Evolving performances at Hari Raya celebrations are a window into deeper cultural change
How strong is local tradition in the face of the modern state?ARIANNE VAN DER MEER attends a ceremony in Sumatra's Minangkabau area, famous for its matrilineal culture. She finds that the cultural symbols do survive. But they are now also tools in the hands of the central government.
Indonesian fishermen whose traditional fishing grounds are in Australian waters may have a Mabo-style claim, says CAMPBELL WATSON.
Living in peace
The village of Oelua proves that Indonesians can live with difference.
Why do people in Banyuwangi kill ‘sorcerers’?
Which Dongi people should be compensated for land?