Fiction & Essays

Essay: The life of H.W. Emanuels (1916-1966)
More than six decades after being inspired as an undergraduate in Sydney, Ron Witton retraces his Indonesian language teacher's journey back to Suriname
Essay: A movement to remember
This essay is the first in a new series featuring the writing of and edited by young people.
Book review: A life told in three parts
Translations of Putu Oka Sukanta’s trilogy of novels, bring his stories of struggle, oppression and resilience spanning over sixty years of Indonesian history, to an English-speaking audience
The isolation poems by Putu Oka Sukanta
Poems by Putu Oka Sukanta were translated by Vannessa Hearman and Kiernan Box with commentary written by Vannessa Hearman based on her interview with the poet.
Essay: Don’t forget to wash up
Locked out of live theatre, Dina spent time pondering the meaning of physical space, enjoying rest time and helping others stay safe
Esei: Jangan lupa cuci piring
Terkunci dari teater langsung, Dina menghabiskan waktu merenungkan arti ruang fisik, menikmati waktu istirahat, dan membantu orang lain tetap aman
Essay: Our Home Together?
Bandung School of Peace is leading the fight against intolerance in West Java
Fiction: Pasung
  His gaze is fixated on an indeterminate spot behind me, his arms hang loosely by his sides. Wearing nothing but a pair of faded black shorts, his ribs and collar bones rise above his cavernous stomach. His bulging eyes stand out. A ray of afternoon sun penetrates through a few holes on the attap roof above us, shining on some part of his left arm and shoulder. Sitting on the ground of this six-by-eight-metre hut with his back leaning against the wall, his dark brown skin blends in with the soil underneath us and the bamboo wall surrounding us.

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