
Essay: Our Home Together?
Bandung School of Peace is leading the fight against intolerance in West Java
Aging remarkably
A lifelong activist and retired midwife is teaching her peers to stay engaged… and not burden their children
Passing it on
On a recent study trip, journalism student Lisa Favazzo met two people giving back to their communities in extraordinary ways
Essay: Harmony versus hate
Masykuri Bakri doesn’t fit the stereotype for a moderate Muslim leader
Hope in the darkness
A Hazara fleeing persecution has dedicated her life in Indonesia to helping her fellow refugees in Bogor
Essay: Redefining Indonesia
Almost twenty years after reformasi, journalist and novelist Leila S. Chudori ponders on the successes and failures of this historic period for Indonesia
A perfect lunch break
Pat Walsh's book of short stories and poems takes us through a year of intimate encounters with Jakarta
A room of one’s own
Mobile libraries and writers clubs reveal a rich reading and writing culture among Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong
What are your true colours?: A conversation
A brief conversation between strangers provokes thoughts on Australia–Indonesia relations Essays and Fiction is a new series of writing in Inside Indonesia that aims to give voice to more personal stories about Indonesia. We welcome submissions in the form of reflective pieces, fiction, artwork, or essays about travel and fieldwork experiences.
Chinese whispers: The art of reflection
Essays and Fiction is a new series of writing in Inside Indonesia that aims to give voice to more personal stories about Indonesia. We welcome submissions in the form of reflective pieces, fiction, artwork, or essays about travel and fieldwork experiences.