Dalam edisi ini, penulis-penulis kami merinci dampak pandemi yang menghancurkan pada sektor seni pertunjukan Indonesia, tetapi juga semangat ketahanan yang mendorong para seniman ini untuk terus maju.
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In this edition our contributors detail the devastating impact of the pandemic on Indonesia's performing arts sector, but also the spirit of resilience driving these artists on
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COVID-19 has amplified existing societal fissures and exposed the alarming fragility of the lives of Indonesian transwomen who work as drag performers
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Terkunci dari teater langsung, Dina menghabiskan waktu merenungkan arti ruang fisik, menikmati waktu istirahat, dan membantu orang lain tetap aman
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What is cultural awareness? Is it about knowing the habits and languages of other people? These are good intentions, but there is a lot more work to be done