Parliamentary Period

Gus Dur’s 100 days
Abdurrahman Wahid’s life deserves serious and critical reflection
Driving under the New Order
The tumultuous events of 1965 thwarted Liong Tjie Tjong’s writing aspirations
The Papua dilemma
Personal reflections on an ongoing challenge
Fauzi Abdullah (1949-2009)
Indonesian labour activists are mourning the passing of a great man
Beyond terrorism and martyrdom
People in West Java hold diverse memories of the Darul Islam rebellion and its leader Kartosuwiryo
Learning from Malaysia's mistakes
Chinese Indonesians must re-enter politics in order to fully exercise their citizenship
Remembering Ong
About cooking, studying Java, and other serious pleasures
Indonesian fishermen whose traditional fishing grounds are in Australian waters may have a Mabo-style claim, says CAMPBELL WATSON.
Why is it so hard to remember the evils of the past? ROB GOODFELLOW explores the pain, and the exhilaration, of memory.
The history of Australian Volunteers International begins in Indonesia
Review: Abidin Kusno examines trends in architectural design and urban planning in Jakarta
Pramoedya Ananta Toer questions the dominant understanding of Indonesia’s historical path

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