Military Oppression

The red thread
A recently uncovered report reveals how anti-communist paranoia stoked abductions of pro-democracy activists in the last days of the New Order
Rev. Mery Kolimon: ‘The Indonesian Churches did not protect the victims of 1965’ - Willem van Gent
Reverend Mery Kolimon, researcher and advocate working on the 1965 killings in Eastern Indonesia, has a personal connection to this piece of history
President Sukarno with PKI Secretary General DN Aidit at an anniversary celebration for the PKI, 23 May 1965  -  Howard Sochurek
A memoir by a former army officer offers insights into Suharto’s moves in October 1965
No ‘magic bullet’
Dealing with human rights abuses has been business as usual under the Jokowi administration
I am Suciwati
A monologue
3. van Klinken 1
Jakarta 1998 was bad, but Prabowo likely had more blood on his hands in East Timor
Big prison, little prison
Stories from Papua’s political prisoners show life at the edge of freedom
Survival through slavery
Suspected communists who survived the killings of 1965-66 in South Sulawesi spent the next 20 years working for the military in an isolated jungle camp
I'm still here
Forty-five years later, survivors are telling their stories about their suffering in detention 
Hunted communists
Many of those accused of being communists fled to South Blitar after the Surabaya crackdown, only to become the target of the Trisula Operation in 1968
Sensitive truths
The exhumation of mass graves from 1965-66 is a fraught and dangerous business
Accomplices in atrocity
The mass killings of 1965-66 in Indonesia were international, not just local, events - and the US played an important role
A disaster, but not genocide
Migration has caused many problems in Papua, but it is not part of a genocidal master plan
A man on a mission
From the highlands of Papua to exile in England, Benny Wenda is a leader of his people
Children of the enemy
A child abducted during the Indonesian occupation returns to her former home
Obama's Indonesia question
Will the US president continue unrestricted aid to Indonesia’s military?

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