1965 - 1966

An Indonesian delegation led by Minister Mahfud MD met with exiles in Amsterdam, August 2023/Saskia E Wieringa
Recent attempts to address the Indonesian genocide after 1 October 1966
Joko Widodo and his delegation visits Rumoh Geudong, Pidie, Aceh, June 2023/https://www.kominfo.go.id/
Recent attempts to address the Indonesian genocide after 1 October 1966
A complex relationship
1965 collaborators and victims living side by side silently negotiate between past and present
Mapping the 1965-66 killings in East Java
In the first of a series of articles we present recent work by demographers and genocide scholars at Michigan State University's Asian Studies Centre on the 1965-1966 killings. Their analysis takes the form of a collection of infographics tracing population numbers across East Java at this time.
Review: The killing season
More than 50 years on, mis-truths about the 1965-66 killings and what motivated them prevail in Indonesia. Geoffrey Robinson's and other books and films on the issue, based on archival research and analysis, continue to be of utmost importance to counter this movement against the truth.
The red thread
A recently uncovered report reveals how anti-communist paranoia stoked abductions of pro-democracy activists in the last days of the New Order
A drink for humanity
Honouring Indonesian activist Putu Oka Sukanta for humanity
OzAsia and beyond
OzAsia festival illuminates the world of Indonesian performance and its social concerns 
Justice denied?
The Indonesian way of confronting the past underestimates the importance of truth and justice
Rev. Mery Kolimon: ‘The Indonesian Churches did not protect the victims of 1965’ - Willem van Gent
Reverend Mery Kolimon, researcher and advocate working on the 1965 killings in Eastern Indonesia, has a personal connection to this piece of history
President Sukarno with PKI Secretary General DN Aidit at an anniversary celebration for the PKI, 23 May 1965  -  Howard Sochurek
A memoir by a former army officer offers insights into Suharto’s moves in October 1965
Semua Untuk Hindia cover image
Like Toer’s tetralogy before it, Semua Untuk Hindia turns Indonesia’s national history narrative on its head
No ‘magic bullet’
Dealing with human rights abuses has been business as usual under the Jokowi administration