Edition 99: Jan-Mar 2010

The killings of 1965-66

Accomplices in atrocity
The mass killings of 1965-66 in Indonesia were international, not just local, events - and the US played an important role
Terror in Tandes
Two villagers from the rural fringe of Surabaya recall the most frightening night of their lives
Hunted communists
Many of those accused of being communists fled to South Blitar after the Surabaya crackdown, only to become the target of the Trisula Operation in 1968
Survival through slavery
Suspected communists who survived the killings of 1965-66 in South Sulawesi spent the next 20 years working for the military in an isolated jungle camp
I'm still here
Forty-five years later, survivors are telling their stories about their suffering in detention