Territorial units
Regencies (kabupaten) and municipalities will be autonomous regions that are not part of the central government regional administrative hierarchic structure. Districts (kecamatan), subdistricts and villages are included in the regency and municipality administrative structure. Regency/ municipality offices of central government organisations are abolished or transferred to the regency/ municipality.
Break-up of functions
Central government and provinces have certain functions reserved for them. Regencies and municipalities can assume responsibility for anything not explicitly allocated to the central or provincial governments. They must assume responsibility for functions in 11 listed sectors.
Transfer of appropriate resources (infrastructure and facilities, personnel and funding) is specified as part of these decentralised functions.
Guidance and supervision
Central government guidance has been liberalised.
Regional Autonomy Advisory Board
Will provide advice to the president concerning regional autonomy.
Territorial units
Provinces remain as both autonomous regions and part of the central government regional administrative structure.
Regional elected assemblies
Their roles, procedures, powers, functions and rights are substantially unchanged.
Role of most existing institutions
DPRD secretariat, regional head, regional apparatus, regional regulations, regional civil service, regional finance (see Law 25 below), regional cooperation and settlement of disputes, village government - these all retain their familiar form.