Research and art collective Beyond Walls produced a series of film portraits of descendants of the Indonesian revolution for the exhibition Revolusi! Why was it important to highlight these personal stories?
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The story of a senior officer in the Royal Dutch East Indies Army (KNIL), and of his oldest daughter, give voice to Moluccan experiences in colonial history
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Generasi ketiga paska Revolusi, adalah generasi yang diwarisi trauma dan stigma. Kini mereka menolak pengingkaran yang dilakukan negara dan generasi sebelumnya.
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During the Indonesian war of independence the Dutch army set up prison camps across Bali, where torture and murder were common. It failed to break the Balinese resistance
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Henk Schulte Nordholt and Harry Poeze's new book turns attention to the battle for Indonesian independence and precarious rise of the Republic
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What is cultural awareness? Is it about knowing the habits and languages of other people? These are good intentions, but there is a lot more work to be done