Wahid Presidency

Remembering Ong
About cooking, studying Java, and other serious pleasures
An interview with the leader of a new, radical and militant sect
A weak government struggles with 'people power', poverty and pulp companies
Greed and stupidity destroy the last peatland wilderness, home to thousands of orangutan
Without Suharto to help out, an Australian gold mining company in Kalimantan is having trouble with the local community
Popular protest closes a huge paper and pulp mill in Sumatra, but others go on polluting
Involved locals are saving one of the world's most beautiful marine parks
The Australian government needs to control Australian miners in Indonesia
Review: Tarian bumi is the story of four generations of Balinese women
Gender justice
Timorese women raped by Indonesian militias need justice. So do all the other women who survived New Order abuse
Image still of a bissu from the trailer of Calalai: In-Betweenness (Rumah Pohon/Youtube)
What if there were not just two genders, but five? In Indonesia, there are
Between girl power and the mother image, young urban women struggle for identity
Poor kampung women double their income through their own micro-credit scheme
Rifka Annisa is educating the community about the nature of domestic violence