Visual Arts

Herstory in art
Titarubi’s art challenges masculinity in Indonesian visual arts and beyond
Reflections of the soul
Art critics welcome exhibition of edgy works on Islamic themes
Art for the people
Taring Padi takes stock of a more than a decade fighting the political establishment – with art as its weapon
Art for Allah’s sake
A unique pesantren, founded and led by an internationally recognised Indonesian calligrapher, attracts men and women from all over the archipelago
The spirit of Sudirman
A mural competition in Yogyakarta sees Indonesians reinterpreting their revolutionary past in the light of present concerns
Heritage and paradox
Wayang Golek is proclaimed a masterpiece, but what is its future?
Decorated for success
Photo essay: Competition leads to artistry and danger on the streets of Kupang
Graphic resistance
Photo-essay: Dissent and struggle are persistent themes of images adorning walls across East Timor
Hot debates
A law on pornography still divides the community
Demonstrating diversity
Photo-essay: Yogya’s community protests against the Pornography Bill
Beyond the Museum
Asmat bisj-poles gain new meaning in a Papuan refugee protest in Melbourne
Arnold Ap and Theys Eluay
Political assassinations targeted West Papua’s culture and political identity
The name game
Or, the years of living with no one to blame
Inventing Papua
Migrants from South Sulawesi have played an important role in manufacturing a Papuan identity
A new artistic order?
The arts scene has changed radically since 1998, but some of the old uncertainties remain
Marginal and tattooed
A group of Jakarta punks challenges the criminal stigma attached to tattoos
Festival Mata Air
A community takes a fresh look at water

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