Urban Indonesia

Crime and criminality
This edition of Inside Indonesia explores the complex politics of illegality
Global fashion, remixed
Indie designers rework commercial iconography – and the business of clothing production
Disabled megalopolitan
Jakarta’s disabled are striving for a better deal.
Festival Mata Air
A community takes a fresh look at water
Behind the jamboree
Direct local elections give Jakartans a say in their city’s future
JASON PRICE talks with the new middle class and discovers they love progress but keep the poor at arms length.
After 20 years, LEA JELLINEK returns to Jakarta's kampungs only to find many demolished for condominiums. The mood of their constantly evicted residents oscillates between resignation and resistance.
Remember the election last May? MAS SUJOKO was there and listened in to the people's vote, recorded on walls all over Yogyakarta.
M16s for punks
Punk rockers turn to Yogya craftsmen for ‘guitar weapons’.
What the guide books don't tell you about Surabaya
The street traders who feed and transport Jakarta are also its most unwelcome citizens
Surviving thirty years in Central Jakarta
Review: Abidin Kusno examines trends in architectural design and urban planning in Jakarta
Manufacturing workers in Tangerang make a special effort to look good
Strange companions in Jakarta's Jalan Jaksa
Taking the law into your own hands is now commonplace in urban areas in Indonesia
Much more than just Indonesian without the grammar