Trade Unions

Gaining the grassroots vote
The urban poor and workers unions are looking to local government to improve their lot
A woman tips a coin tin over another woman's open palm.
Despite the impressive activism of Pekalongan’s labour union, its political clout remains limited
Ford 1 FSPMI protest resize
Indonesia’s unions are engaging in electoral politics in unprecedented ways in an attempt to balance the influence of business
A new tactical toolkit
The labour movement successfully adopted new tactics in their campaign for social security reform
Back on the streets
A national strike shows that workers are once again a significant force  
Organising for migrant worker rights
Non-governmental organisations continue to fill the gap in the absence of viable alternatives
Fauzi Abdullah (1949-2009)
Indonesian labour activists are mourning the passing of a great man
Politics of symbolism
Unionists express their disgust at local government’s failure to look after the interests of workers
An unlikely unionist
Inspired by television and Muchtar Pakpahan, a traditional fisherman decides it’s time to act.
The Military Fleeces and Polices Port Workers
The elections show that Indonesian workers are not yet a major political presence
It’s been a long struggle trying to get unions to listen to women
Fauzi Abdullah reflects on more than a quarter of a century of organising
Greater freedom to organise also means more opportunity for division
Why is organised labour missing from the democracy movement?
Indonesia’s labour movement needs to consolidate the gains of 1998