
The worn-down, wooden-plank exterior of a house, bare but for a mural of a bull on a red background - PDI-P's symbol. (Laila Kholid Alfirdaus)
Locals react coolly to ex-transmigrants who return to Java after fleeing violence elsewhere
anderson famine 1
A story of mass starvation tells us much about media coverage and local government in Papua
Big prison, little prison
Stories from Papua’s political prisoners show life at the edge of freedom
They are just Papuans
Recent violence shows the authorities share a disturbing mindset about the residents of Papua
On death row
Dozens of Acehnese drug offenders face the death penalty in Malaysia
A man on a mission
From the highlands of Papua to exile in England, Benny Wenda is a leader of his people
Aceh on a knife's edge
There are big dangers in declaring success too soon
We miss you wali nanggroe
Hasan di Tiro returns to an Aceh in transition
Papua road map
Conflict resolution should move from a security to a justice approach
Freedom of expression
Whether Papuans support autonomy or independence, they should be allowed to speak freely
Basket case to showcase
How Indonesia’s democratic transition transformed Aceh
Transition to a post-Suharto era in Jakarta could be window of opportunity for East Timor. What might that window offer, asks COKI NAIPOSPOS?
Australian volunteer LEON JONES was living in Aceh in the lead-up to the violence that eventualy left up to 2000 dead.
PETER CAREY finds many parallels between the conduct of the present-day Indonesian regime in East Timor and that of the Netherlands' colonial administration in the Indies before World War II. Not least, both governments took for granted their right to rule.
PETER CRONAU and MATTHEW BROWN find that Cold War methods live on in Indonesian consulates around Australia.
A heroine for humanity
There are dozens of stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for human rights in Aceh. Here is a personal account of one such person.
A new generation of victims speaks out. Will Indonesia now negotiate?

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