Religious Organisations

A kinder, more gentle FPI?
The historically hardline defenders of Islam plan to enter the political mainstream by softening their rhetoric and abandoning hate speech
Blasphemy on the rise
As blasphemy convictions increase in this democratic era, election campaigning indicates little will change
Middle-path Islam
The vibrant force of As’adiyah is countering Islamic extremism and safeguarding ethnic and cultural identity
Speakers address Wahdah Islamiyah's members at the third 'muktamar' (congress) in Jakarta, July 2016. (Imam S/Kiblat.Net)
Organisations like Wahdah Islamiyah envision an ‘Islamic’ citizenship for Indonesia
The search engine provides potential followers with a search filter limited to approved Salafi sources
Yogyakartan Salafi youth are turning to social media to promote their faith 
Impossible ideal?
Cosmopolitanism is a dirty word in rural West Java, where creativity and new words are needed to reopen dialogue
Stopping intolerance
Government must act to halt growing discrimination against minorities
Turning away from terror
Prison can be a place of radicalisation or rehabilitation
Born-again cosmopolitan
Pentecostalism and its expressive religiosity resonates with a new generation of Christians  
Front stage with the PKS
At its upmarket congress, Indonesia’s biggest Islamic party tried but failed to convince it has become an open and inclusive party
New leadership, new policies?
The Nahdlatul Ulama congress in Makassar arrests the slide away from liberal views but shows the organisation's vulnerability to outside political interference
Homophobia on the rise
Recent attacks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender meetings reveal the growing influence of Islamist groups and highlight unequal protection of citizenship rights
Religious Bandung
Bandung’s government opts for a religious program that matches the city’s character
God and democracy
A Christian church is asserting its democratic rights by suing the mayor of Depok

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