Political Parties

Hot debates
A law on pornography still divides the community
We miss you wali nanggroe
Hasan di Tiro returns to an Aceh in transition
Giving up partisan politics?
Indonesia's biggest Muslim organizations are having second thoughts about partisan politics
Promoting pluralism
Pesantren progressives defend constitutional religious freedoms
The name game
Or, the years of living with no one to blame
An unholy alliance
Political thugs and political Islam work together in Banten
Corruption Inc
Controlling local corruption is one thing; tackling the big guys in Jakarta is quite another
Roots of democracy
Political parties have stronger social roots in Indonesia than elsewhere in the region
Rise of the clans
Direct elections in South Sulawesi show that a new breed of political godfathers is coming to power in Indonesia’s regions. Parties are increasingly irrelevant, but electoral competition is real.
Behind the jamboree
Direct local elections give Jakartans a say in their city’s future
ED ASPINALL finds that Golkar's massive electoral victory sits strangely with its loss of credibility on the streets.
The riot that engulfed Jakarta on 27 July 1996 started after army-backed gangsters invaded Megawati's PDI headquarters. JESSE RANDALL traces the strange relationship between government and criminality.
In this snapshot of politics at the end of January, ARIEF BUDIMAN worries that the embryonic alliance between Amien Rais and Megawati remains vulnerable to government attack.
Ethnicity now plays a role in local politics in South Sumatra but money still rules

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