
Menghitung bekas luka
Pandangan pribadi tentang hak asasi manusia dan identitas di Papua
Counting scars
A personal view on human rights and identity in Papua
Beauty and belonging in West Papua
Papuan waria draw on foreign ideals of beauty in their quest for a sense of belonging in their local communities
Culture vs consent
Distrust in doctors’ decision making around c-sections is a key cause of Papuans’ avoidance of hospitals
West Papua and Black Lives Matter
A movement seeking justice, healing, and freedom for Black people has become a powerful rallying call for Indigenous West Papuans
Hip-hop: peluang yang terlewatkan
Hip-hop seharusnya menjadi alat untuk memerangi kasus kekerasan seksual di Papua, bukannya malah mendukung lahirnya kasus-kasus serupa
Untreated trauma in Nduga
The plight of Papua’s internally displaced persons is not being recognised by the Indonesian government
Timotius and Freeport
Elite politics and Freeport Indonesia’s non-compliance continue to deny Timotius Kambu his owed wages
When village development fails
Faulty administrative procedures led to the misuse of village development funds in Papua
Book extract: Sarongge
Lontar Modern Indonesia: ‘But that is, after all, the relationship between land and power... Whoever holds power will impose their view.’
Petikan buku: Sarongge
Lontar Modern Indonesia: ‘Siapa yang pegang kuasa, akan paksakan pandangannya tentang bagaimana cara mengatur aset alam itu.’
Why size matters
Young men in Papua reassert their manhood through penis enlargement
Film review: Tanah Mama
A new documentary about a Papuan woman’s daily struggle to survive opens debate on the grave issues affecting her society