National Politics

Demonstrating diversity
Photo-essay: Yogya’s community protests against the Pornography Bill
Hot debates
A law on pornography still divides the community
We miss you wali nanggroe
Hasan di Tiro returns to an Aceh in transition
Giving up partisan politics?
Indonesia's biggest Muslim organizations are having second thoughts about partisan politics
Torture in Papua
Human rights groups report on abuses
Papua road map
Conflict resolution should move from a security to a justice approach
Freedom of expression
Whether Papuans support autonomy or independence, they should be allowed to speak freely
A new artistic order?
The arts scene has changed radically since 1998, but some of the old uncertainties remain
NGOs are having to come to terms with the demands of the governance agenda
Corruption Inc
Controlling local corruption is one thing; tackling the big guys in Jakarta is quite another
Policy drift
Ten years after Suharto, the economy is not recovering fast enough
Teaching and remembering
The legacy of the Suharto era lingers in school history books
Basket case to showcase
How Indonesia’s democratic transition transformed Aceh
The peace dividend
With no internal wars to fight, Yudhoyono can afford to reform the military
Roots of democracy
Political parties have stronger social roots in Indonesia than elsewhere in the region
Ten years of democratisation
Our new edition shows how far Indonesia has come, and how much remains to be done
How will Indonesians remember Suharto?
Newspaper obituaries, from Sabang to Merauke