Feminists and LGBT
Can they work together? Religious objections make it hard
Mengimajinasikan ruang aman
Queer Indonesia Archive (QIA) bekerja untuk melestarikan dan menjaga sejarah komunitas queer Indonesia
‘We take care of our own’
COVID-19 has amplified existing societal fissures and exposed the alarming fragility of the lives of Indonesian transwomen who work as drag performers
Meet, pray, love
Religious belief and sexual identity collide often for an atheist meeting up with gay Muslims
Sexualities in Indonesia
Despite increasingly worrying levels of harassment and surveillance, sexual diversity and sexual empowerment are finding spaces in Indonesia
Online hate speech
News media has helped drive a dramatic rise in online anti-LGBT hate speech
Combatting HIV online
HIV prevention tactics remain inappropriate for many young men who have sex with men
Pemberi harapan 
Petugas penjangkauan  memberikan harapan bagi lelaki yang berhubungan seks dengan lelaki (LSL) dalam penanganan dan pencegahan HIV 
Allies in Java
LGBT activists are working with religious allies and others to promote faith-based tolerance
Mobilisasi rasa takut
Ujaran kebencian yang terus-menerus terhadap minoritas gender dan seksual telah memberikan dampak yang merugikan
Meng-queer-kan Kesalehan
Kesalehan moral tidak dipahami secara tunggal di kalangan Muslim queer
Mobilising fear
Unchecked hate speech against Indonesia’s LGBT community is having a devastating effect
Breaking free in gay Paris
Some gay Indonesians move overseas to lead a more simple and openly gay life
Reformasi’s broken promises
Sexual minorities increasingly feel left out of Indonesia’s democratisation processes
Bandung, city of human rights?
Despite stated goodwill by authorities, intolerance towards minority groups is growing in Bandung
Reclaiming Indonesian citizenship
A ‘waria’ version of the traditional flag ceremony celebrates both nationhood and diversity

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