Identity Politics

 Moral politics of nationhood
Constructions of political, sexual and religious others in contemporary Indonesia
The worn-down, wooden-plank exterior of a house, bare but for a mural of a bull on a red background - PDI-P's symbol. (Laila Kholid Alfirdaus)
Locals react coolly to ex-transmigrants who return to Java after fleeing violence elsewhere
Speakers address Wahdah Islamiyah's members at the third 'muktamar' (congress) in Jakarta, July 2016. (Imam S/Kiblat.Net)
Organisations like Wahdah Islamiyah envision an ‘Islamic’ citizenship for Indonesia
Essay: Redefining Indonesia
Almost twenty years after reformasi, journalist and novelist Leila S. Chudori ponders on the successes and failures of this historic period for Indonesia
A dispensable threat
LGBT rights and recognition have been under attack in the Indonesian media, for various reasons
Book Review: Tiger Stone
Deryn Mansell’s novel opens a window into Indonesia for younger readers
Jokowi for President? No!
Riverbank settlers love Jokowi, but they don’t want him to become president
Stopping intolerance
Government must act to halt growing discrimination against minorities
Lawang Sewu, an imperial temple in modern Indonesia, Michael G. Vann
Visitors to Semarang’s Lawang Sewu find competing narratives of history, memory and popular culture
What gives rise to moral outrage?
Rather than being merely the result of religious extremism, recent cases of moral outrage point to a wide range of current political and social problems
Joke of the month?
What do you get when you cross Sarah Palin and an Islamic polygamist? Meet Rhoma Irama – Indonesia’s king of dangdut
Selling nationalism
Indonesian television advertisements are constructing images of Indonesia by appropriating well-known nationalist themes
Stars and stereotypes
The big business of Indo celebrities creates illusory expectations but things may be changing
A man on a mission
From the highlands of Papua to exile in England, Benny Wenda is a leader of his people
Struggling to be young
Brotherhood among the poor urban youth of Jakarta

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