Guided Democracy

Review: The ideology of the family state
David Reeve reviews David Bourchier’s important contribution to understandings of political thinking in Indonesia
source: Scott Merrillees
A series of illustrated books offers a visual journey through the history of Jakarta and brings back vivid memories
Gus Dur’s 100 days
Abdurrahman Wahid’s life deserves serious and critical reflection
Censorship makes a comeback
Recent book bannings mark a return to the repressive practices of the New Order
Driving under the New Order
The tumultuous events of 1965 thwarted Liong Tjie Tjong’s writing aspirations
The Papua dilemma
Personal reflections on an ongoing challenge
Fauzi Abdullah (1949-2009)
Indonesian labour activists are mourning the passing of a great man
A disaster, but not genocide
Migration has caused many problems in Papua, but it is not part of a genocidal master plan
Learning from Malaysia's mistakes
Chinese Indonesians must re-enter politics in order to fully exercise their citizenship
Through a building darkly
The story of the Teochiu Huikuan building in Medan provides insights into Chinese Indonesians’ history of dispossession
Arnold Ap and Theys Eluay
Political assassinations targeted West Papua’s culture and political identity
Beyond the Museum
Asmat bisj-poles gain new meaning in a Papuan refugee protest in Melbourne

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