
A sign next to a dirt road reads in Indonesian, ‘Welcome to the territory of the Kiyu customary forest under Constitutional Court Decree No. 35/PUU-X/2012. THIS IS OUR CUSTOMARY FOREST, NOT STATE FOREST.’
Compromises must be made in the quest for indigeneity among the Dayak Meratus
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A regional problem with a regional cause  
Review: Palm oil and patronage
An investigation into the transboundary haze and the palm plantations in Indonesia
Seren Taun has become quite well-known due to wide media coverage - Dean Yulindra Affandi
The Kasepuhan community are at the cutting edge of a movement to restore customary forest rights
Schools were closed for over a month due to the forest fires - Ardiles Rante/Greenpeace
Elections are fuelling the forest fires in Central Kalimantan
The energy challenge
Indonesia is rich in renewable energy but government policies foster reliance on fossil fuels
Taking action in the provinces
Officials in Papua and Riau want to prevent deforestation, but they need concrete action and resources from the national government, not just talk and instructions
Selling the wind
Aceh experiments with a major REDD project, but without involving local people
Community engagement
Don’t ignore REDD’s impacts on communities!
Using Indonesian forests
Institutional reform and massive public participation are crucial to mitigate climate change
Reaching for the sky?
Indonesia has set ambitious emissions targets, but meeting them will require hard work
Holding up the sky
Indonesia has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions that will require major changes in how forests and agricultural lands are managed
Climate change and Indonesia
Indonesia can make the transition from climate change villain to global hero, but empowering the poor will be a key to effective action
Corrupting politics
Corruption continues to shape the political landscape in Kutai Kartanegara, Indonesia’s richest district
Fighting over the land and forest
Century-old conflicts persist in the vast tracts of Indonesia that are designated as state forest

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