
A house of cards?
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the exploitation of non-formal early childhood educators 
Passing it on
On a recent study trip, journalism student Lisa Favazzo met two people giving back to their communities in extraordinary ways
Is education the golden plough?
Flores youth migrate for education, but are their university degrees worth the investment?
Diversity, but how exactly?
Lessons and beliefs on inter-religious mixing can get messy for youth in Manado
Essay: Harmony versus hate
Masykuri Bakri doesn’t fit the stereotype for a moderate Muslim leader
The Floating School
A mobile school in South Sulawesi offers new horizons to young islanders
Fighting apathy, seeking engagement
Students have mixed feelings about a mandatory community service program at Indonesian universities
Hope in the darkness
A Hazara fleeing persecution has dedicated her life in Indonesia to helping her fellow refugees in Bogor
Farmers’ worst enemy
Over-use of pesticides is making the crops ‘sick’, but only farmers educated about the environment understand this
Fighting for existence
Environmental education is empowering rural youth to protect their hamlet from a luxury resort project 
A write-off
School textbooks in Indonesia fail to teach environmental sustainability
Resisting limbo
Self-organisation amongst refugees in Indonesia
Making their way
Indonesia needs to create better pathways from school to work
The Millennium Development Goals addressed the basic development needs of Indonesia, but tackling poverty now requires a more complex strategy
Indonesia is on track to achieve universal primary education, but questions remain about the quality of education

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