
Being young, female and poor
Young women farmers in Java and Flores find themselves on the lower rungs of multiple ladders
Islam-inspired renewable energy
A collaboration between a teacher and farmers in Central Java is unlocking the potential of an indigenous biofuel source
Farmers’ worst enemy
Over-use of pesticides is making the crops ‘sick’, but only farmers educated about the environment understand this
Anticipating the future
Success and failure of Indramayu farmers’ responses to El-Niño
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A regional problem with a regional cause  
Coffee tree in Lampung province - Ron Cörvers
At a workshop in Bali, experts reflect on the sustainable production of Indonesia’s cash crops
Maukah saya menjadi petani?
Para pemuda yang tinggal di desa berbasis pertanian menjelaskan keraguan dan aspirasi mereka tentang masa depan di bidang pertanian
Would I like to be a farmer?
Rural youth in rice-growing villages explain their doubts and aspirations about a future in agriculture
Bird’s nest boom
Indonesia’s efforts to supply delicacies to China are evolving in surprising directions
Overprotection is not the answer
Food self-sufficiency in Indonesia is a valid problem but so far the government has only provided counterproductive solutions
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Rahmat Ajiguna talks to Eve Warburton about the need to make farmers the centre of food security in Indonesia
Feeding Indonesia
Food security is an urgent policy problem in Indonesia but opinions are divided about how best to feed the poorest and most vulnerable
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Despite being a middle-income country, many Indonesians still face the prospect of going hungry
Freeing shovelnosed ray, Bobby Anderson
In West Papua province’s Raja Ampat islands, a local fisheries conservation initiative is setting a global standard

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