Sep 08, 2024 Last Updated 4:24 AM, Sep 2, 2024

71: Outside Indonesia - East Timor

71: Outside Indonesia - East Timor
Published: Jul 09, 2002

July-Sept 2002

East Timor

Outside Indonesia - East TimorThis edition goes out with our best wishes to the East Timorese people - Gerry van Klinken

Born in the wrong era Amidst globalisation, can East Timor still be a people's alternative? - Mansour Fakih

Timor's women After the brutal occupation, gender violence remains a reality - Dawn Delaney

A sustainable future How will East Timor manage its economy? - Helder da Costa

What about the workers? Now is the time to create a fairer system - Selma Hayati

Australian treachery, again This time it's over oil and gas royalti - Rob Wesley Smith

Meet Titi Irawati An Indonesian human rights worker in East Timor - Kerry Brogan

The Indonesian who joined Falintil Why did Nasir join the guerrillas? - M Nasir, interviewed by Nug Katjasungkana

One less place to hide US courts bring down judgments against two Indonesian generals - John M Miller

Claiming justice amid the ruins A remarkable grass-roots reconciliation meeting in Ainaro - Hilmar Farid

The Oecussi-Ambeno enclave What does the future hold for this neglected territory? - Arsenio Bano and Edward Rees

The forgotten of West Timor Poverty, refugees, militias, and too many soldiers - Elcid Li

By the book, please East Timorese students in Yogyakarta suffer intimidation - Faustino Gomes,/p>

Politics and human rights

Is Indonesia a terrorist base? The gulf between rhetoric and evidence is wide - Greg Fealy

Combat zone Aceh is the military?s stepping stone back to power - David Bourchier

Witness denied Australian media responses to the Indonesian killings of 1965-66 - Richard Tanter


Theatre blossoms A sampling of performances in Java - Julie Janson


East Timor on the Net The latest on this new nation at your fingertips - John M Miller


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Inside Indonesia 71: July - Sept 2002

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