Sep 08, 2024 Last Updated 4:24 AM, Sep 2, 2024

63: Democracy - how far, so far?

Published: Jul 02, 2000

Jul - Sep 2000

Politics and human rights

Democracy - how far, so far?So how far has Indonesia come on the road to democracy? - Gerry van Klinken

The slow birth of democracyA new generation is challenging the status quo - Munir

Opening that dark pageObstacles in revealing the stories of 1965-66 - Stanley

Box - Sulami explains why....An extract from Sulami's speech at YPKP's first anniversary -Sulami

A century of decentralisationYet again 'power to the regions' is the call - Trevor Buising

Box - What's new? What isn't?Trevor Buising

Wahid, IMF and the peopleUnbowed, an activist continues his questions - Nick Everett with Budiman Sujatmiko

Where is Wiji Thukul?An outspoken poet is silenced - Richard Curtis

Business as usualThe military is slow to get out of business - Lesley McCulloch

The forgotten war in North MalukuThere's more than religion behind the troubles - Smith Alhadar

No longer so 'special'New and different ties for Australia-Indonesia - Scott Burchill

Society and economy

Medan gets a new mayor A tale of two cities: part 1 - Loren Ryter

Inside JeparaA tale of two cities: part 2 - Jim Schiller

'Only the clothes have changed...'Unions still find the going tough - Terry Symonds

Muchtar Pakpahan interview Terry Symonds interviews Muchtar Pakpahan

Fireside chat about AIDSReaching at-risk groups requires new approaches - Ingrid Hering

The kampung bookshelfBringing books to the poor - Bambang Rustanto and Lea Jellinek


Leave Indonesia's fisheries to Indonesians!Foreign fleets filch fish from local plates - Mark V Erdmann


Indonesia is definitely OKComic artists explore new freedoms - Laine Berman


Your say


Scenes from an occupationReview: A lone Australian filmmaker records East Timor's history-making year of 1999 - Baranowska


Inside Indonesia 63: Jul - Sep 2000

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